Jarred and Susan Rich.

Jarred and Susan Rich, hunted with Big Water Safaris during August. The Californian couple, on their first African Safari had a successful hunt, bagging several trophies.

Professional hunter: Mielie du Toit.

Susan Rich with her white blesbuck ram.
Jarred Rich with a blesbuck ewe.
Susan Rich with her red hartebeest cow.
Jarred Rich with a warthog boar.
Susan Rich with a really nice impala ram.
Jarred Rich with his blue wildebeest (brindled gnu) trophy.
Susan Rich with her kudu bull.
Jarred with a springbok ram.
Susan and Jarred with a zebra, one of the most challenging animals to hunt at Laohu Valley Reserve.
Jarred with a red hartebeest cow.

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