We frequently receive requests from international hunters for photos of the game animals available at Big Water Safaris. Here are some photos taken on Laohu Valley Reserve by us. We will update some of the, not so good, photos as soon as we have better quality pictures. Please note that the meat of the animals hunted at Big Water Safaris (whether they are trophy or non-trophy) are utilised either to feed the endangered South China tigers or as staff rations. Hunters also get to sample the meat of the animals they hunt.
Chacma baboon are available as a small non-trophy animal. Weight ±60lbs. (30kg)

Black Wildebeest. (White-Tailed Gnu)
Black Wildebeest bulls are available as trophy animals. Weight ±350lb (160kg)

Blesbuck are available as trophy and small non-trophy animals. Avg. Weight (males) ±175lbs (80kg).

Blue Wildebeest. (Brindled Gnu)
Blue Wildebeest are available as trophy animals and as large non-trophy animals. Avg. Weight ±550lb (250kg).

Cape Buffalo.
Cape Buffalo are available as trophy animals. Avg. Weight (bulls) ±1400lbs (650kg).

The largest antelope, Eland are available as trophy and large non-trophy animals. Avg. Weight bulls ±1500lbs (700kg), cows ±880lbs

Gemsbok (oryx).
Gemsbok are available as trophy and large non-trophy animals. Av Weight (bulls) ±530lbs (240kg).

Impala are available as trophy animals. Avg. Weight (rams) ±120lbs (55kg).

Kudu are available as trophy animals. Avg. Weight (bulls) ±570lbs (260kg).

Lechwe re available as trophy animals. Avg. Weight (males) ±220lbs (100kg).

Mountain Reedbuck.
Mountain Reedbuck are available as trophy animals. Avg. Weight ±66lbs (30kg).

Red Hartebeest.
Red Hartebeest are available as trophy animals. Avg. Weight (bulls) ±350lbs (160kg).

Sable Antelope.
Sable Antelope are available as trophies only. Avg. Weight (bulls) ±550lbs. (250kg).

Springbok are available as trophy and as small non-trophy animals. Avg. Weight (males) ±88lbs (40kg).

Steenbok are available as trophy animals. Avg. Weight ±44lbs (20kg).

Warthog are available as trophy and non-trophy animals. Avg. Weight (males) ±175lbs (80kg).

Waterbuck are available as trophy animals. Avg. Weight (bulls) ±550lbs (250kg).

Zebra. (Burchells zebra)
Zebra are available at trophy price. Avg. Weight (stallions) ±660lbs (350kg).

Night Hunting. (Jackal, Caracal)
Night hunting for predators are available as per our price list.
