Category: Hunting Bullets.
The Morgan Family.
We ended our 2024 season with the Morgan Family from North Carolina. Bradley, Melissa, Roy and the twins, Colton and Lizzie, visited Big Water Safaris for their first ever African adventure. Everyone had a great time, hunting, fishing and relaxing at the lodge. Professional hunters: Thinus Steyn & Bennie Breytenbach.
Lyle Drenth.
Lyle Drenth from Utah hunted with Big Water Safaris, during September. Professional hunter: Dewald Kearns.
Alex and Laura Montenegro.
Our old friends from California, Alex and Laura Montenegro hunted with us during September. This year Laura came as a hunter, not an observer. Professional hunter: Thinus Steyn.
Hungarian Hunters. Chapter II.
Our Hungarian friend and agent, Zoltan Gál brought a second group of hunters to Big Water Safaris during August. While all the hunters are Hungarians, some of them currently reside in Canada. Another successful hunt. Hunters: Zoltan and Edith Szócs, Andras and Julianna Hatos, Levente and Andrea Tamas, Jozsef Jenei, Denes and Eva Pasko and…
Gus Ferreira and Nemecio Hernandez.
Floridian hunters Gustavo Ferreira and Nemecio Hernandez, hunted with Big Water Safaris during August. Excellent trophies were harvested, and we had a lot of fun while doing so. Professional hunter: Thinus Steyn.
Robert and Robbie Patron.
Father and son team Robert and Robbie Padron from Miami Florida are old friends of Big Water Safaris. This was Robbie’s second hunt with us, Robbert has been here so often that he is virtually family. Professional hunter: Bennie Breytenbach.
Bill and Patricia Gause.
Californian couple, Bill and Patricia Gause hunted with Big Water Safaris during August. It was their first African Safari, and a very successful one. Professional hunter: Dewald Kearns.
Jarred and Susan Rich.
Jarred and Susan Rich, hunted with Big Water Safaris during August. The Californian couple, on their first African Safari had a successful hunt, bagging several trophies. Professional hunter: Mielie du Toit.
Joshua Darnell.
Californian hunter, Joshua Darnell hunted with Big Water Safaris during July, he had a most successful hunt. Professional hunter: Heinrich Funck.
Jim Mraz and Marlin Ferguson.
Missourians Jim Mraz and Marlin Ferguson hunted with Big Water Safaris during July. This was Jim’s second hunt with us and Marlin’s first African hunt. Great trophies were harvested, the tigers were suitably fed, and a lot of fun was had by everyone involved. Professional hunter: Thinus Steyn.
James and Tristan Kent.
North Carolinian, James Kent is no stranger to Big Water Safaris; this was his third hunt with us. Tristan accompanied his father on this hunt and did most of the hunting. It turned out to be a very successful hunt, Jim even got the baboon that has been eluding him during his previous hunt. Professional…
The Hungarian Hunters. Chapter I.
Our old friend, and Hungarian agent, Zoltan Gál brought over his first two groups of hunters for 2024 in May and June. Included in the second group were two German hunters. Professional hunters: Dewald Kearns, Mielie du Toit and Thinus Steyn.
The Terrells from Alabama.
Billy, Katie and Tab Terrell from Alabama, hunted with Big Water Safaris during May. They had a successful hunt and also went on a night hunt for predators with Heinrich Funck. Professional hunter: Dewald Kearns.
Sean Nicke and Patrick Benson.
Our old friend Sean Nicke accompanied by his friend Patrick Benson, both hailing from Alabama, hunted with Big Water Safaris during May. This was Patrick’s first hunt with us, both hunters bagged good trophies, and a lot of fun was had by everyone involved. Professional hunter: Thinus Steyn